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Hi Friends! Welcome back to the blog. Today I’m sharing with you 5 things I do everyday to help care for my postpartum body.


This may sound like an obvious thing to do to be healthy, but as a new parent you have VERY little time in the day. It’s easy to not eat well and live off of snacks and takeout. We do grab food to go at least twice a week, such as chipotle, but we try and eat at home as much as possible! I keep easy, simple nourishing snacks in the house and meal prep my favorite Healthy Grocery Girl recipes like soups that last well and are so satisfying. Here is a look at some items we routinely grocery shop for! We always buy Organic when possible. This list is just the basics and will include more / different ingredients based on what recipes I’m making that week.







Green Apples

Sweet Potatoes





Fresh Ginger



Frozen Berries

Frozen Non-Dairy Ice-Cream (I like So Delicious No Added Sugar)

Frozen Amy’s Burritos

Organic Eggs


Nut Butter (we rotate almond, cashew, peanut)

Gluten-Free Oats

(We usually have a good stock of brown rice and quinoa)

Square Protein Bars

Crackers / Chips (I like Simple Mills brand)

Brown Rice Crackers

+ Any supplements I need to restock such as vitamins, protein powder and so forth

Note: I eat a predominately plant-based diet but I’m not vegan. Short story, after being diagnosed with a type of autoimmune disease known as Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease (which I was able to put into remission naturally) and during my pregnancy, I found that certain foods such as eggs and salmon were right for my body. Nutrition is not one-size-fits-all so please eat what works for you, no judgment.


Exercise is therapy for me. Being in fresh air, breaking a sweat and moving my body help to relieve stress, anxiety and also helps tone my body! I am slowly adding yoga back into my routine as well as pelvic floor exercises.


After having a baby your core is very weak and all of your internal organs are shifting back into place. Your uterus is contracting back to its normal size and your tummy is very soft. You’re not supposed to engage your core while it’s healing so that you don’t cause more damage or permanently separated abdominal muscles. Your abdominal muscles naturally separate during pregnancy to make room for baby. Any damage to them or improper healing can cause permanent separation called diastasis recti. Wearing a wrap or support helps to act as a splint keeping the abdominal wall tighter.” I saw another blogger known as, “Rachel Nicole Fit” describe the benefits of a band and I couldn’t have said it better myself!

This is the belly band I have! My personal experience is that a bellyband feels like a hug for my uterus! Everything feels tight, cozy and I’ve noticed my stomach shrinking which is great because the only exercise I can fit in right now are walks with the family and when I can fit it in my pelvic floor exercises and yoga! Belly Bandit is giving away a band of your choice to someone in our HGG Community! You can enter the giveaway on Instagram here!


I know what you’re thinking… sleep when you have newborn? Haha! The quantity and quality of my sleep has gone down since having a baby, I still make sleep a priority. If I can get a “good” nights rest I am a better, more patient mom. This means I try and unplug from social media before bed, I don’t read work emails in the evening and I drink chamomile tea or CALM magnesium to help me sleep better. I also eat a big bowl of oatmeal with nut butter before bed because I sleep better when I’m not hungry and when you’re breastfeeding… you’re hungry all the time!


I struggle with postpartum anxiety. Talking about my feelings, frustrations and concerns is one of the best ways I deal with anxiety. My husband is my greatest support system. However, I’ve also found that connecting with moms who are in the same season of life has been so helpful. It really does take a village to raise a child and also to care for and help keep a mama sane! I have LOVED connecting with so many moms in our HGG Community. Thank you for being being my online village, I love you gals!


What are some of the ways you care for your health? Share with us in the comments below!

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